Aquascape Academy
Every year, for the months of January, February, March and April, Aquascape offers a unique two-day experience; a conference at their corporate headquarters. An experience designed to equip entrepreneurs with the knowledge on how to make installing water features a part of their business. It’s called Aquascape Academy, and it’s for new businesses and seasoned businesses alike. The days are filled with courses on marketing, construction, human resources, accounting and business operations. Their corporate team designed these classes around the best practices that have made Aquascape and their construction team successful for the past 25 years.
When asked why he offers everyone interested in the industry this unique opportunity, Greg Wittstock, Aquascape’s founder simply responds: “A rising tide raises all ships.” Its simply his belief that by giving others purpose and helping them succeed, you increase you own opportunity for success.

So, I found myself just outside of Chicago in Saint Charles, IL, bright and early one morning along with over 100 hopeful green entrepreneurs from around the country. Each one of them in the same position I found myself in; excited at the opportunity to further themselves professionally, learn to better serve our clients, improve our businesses and bring or grow the aquascape lifestyle in our regions.
Present both days at the conference were some of the best minds in the industry. They were there to provide us with the same tools they’ve spent their entire careers developing.