“Water attracts and fascinates us, and we know instinctively that being near it reduces stress, increases creativity and brings us peace.” – Wallace J. Nichols
If you think about the most desirous place to live, what do you picture? A cabin in the woods? A mountain view or maybe something bordering a lake or the ocean? Currently, some of the most sought-after pieces of property are water-front properties. Be it a small lot on the lake or a beach mansion with sweeping vistas of the ocean. People will pay exorbitant amounts of money to live close to and experience the sight, sound and smell of water in their daily lives.
We have a strong desire to be close to water. In fact, the highest increase in happiness in an outdoor environment occurred when people were in green spaces that included water. Most of us will never have the luxury of being able to afford a property with a lake or an ocean view. Or, even if we can, these properties are few and far between. Where we choose to spend out time matters to our sense of well-being and a connection to nature is unique in that it boosts vitality, improves emotions and is a predictor of life satisfaction and happiness. The sole reason to have an Aquascape water feature exists in those two statements. The Aquascape lifestyle is one that connects us to nature through play or relaxation.

The beauty of what we do here at Premiere Aquascapes is that any house can be transformed into a home on the water. A home that becomes a haven from the stresses of everyday life. From a small lot in the city to a rural property with a sprawling lawn, an Aquascape water feature can be tailored to fit any size yard.
So, whether you’ve been dreaming of a water-front estate or are just looking to improve your happiness and quality of life, an aquascape water feature can make that dream come true.