Spring Pond Cleaning

Person cleaning pond with koi fish.

Why to Keep Your Pond Clean

Spring cleaning for your pond or other water feature is an important annual process that will help eliminate many problems throughout the year.

For the best results, spring cleanout should occur before your water garden completely emerges from winter dormancy and before the water temperature rises above 55°F. Warmer water can allow bacteria colonies to form and upset the balance of your ecosystem.

To find more details on the spring cleaning process, keep reading below or contact us to schedule a cleanout for you.

Step-by-Step Pond Cleaning

Supplies To Start Clean-out:

  • 25' discharge hose with spray nozzle & clean-out pump
  • Shears for trimming back plants
  • A container to hold your fish, with netting to cover the top
  • Garbage bags for leaves and debris
  • A fine mesh fishing net
  • Aquascape Pond Detoxifier from our Pond Supply store
  • Aquascape Cold Water Beneficial Bacteria, also available in our supply store.

Schedule Your Pond Cleaning Today!