Pond Maintenance

Yearly Maintenance of Backyard Ponds

Normal upkeep is the way to keeping your backyard pond & water feature perfect and wonderful. Pond & pondless waterfall upkeep and cleaning services from Premiere Aquascapes can assist you with making the most of your water feature now. and stay away from excessive repairs later!

Spring Cleanout Service

By replacing the water in your water garden and giving it a good cleaning at the beginning of each season, your pond can begin each new season fresh. Early spring, before your pond awakens from its winter dormancy, is the best time of year to perform your pond cleanout. Ideally, the pond cleaning should take place before the water temperature creeps above 55 degrees. As long as your water is cooler than 55 degrees, the beneficial bacteria that grow in your filter and on the rocks will not yet be established. If a cleanout is done after the bacteria colonies form, your ecosystem will be thrown out of balance and your pond will grow more algae before your bacteria colonies re-establish themselves again.

Man cleaning koi pond.

Monthly Maintenance Service

Take the guesswork out of maintaining your water garden by having Premiere Aquascapes do it for you. We have many flexible pond maintenance agreements available with one that will fit your needs. Call or email your Premiere Aquascapes Representative for details.

On Call Maintenance

We are available Monday-Friday for your on-call service needs. If you have lights that are out, filtration issues. water loss or anything else... we can help.

The Basic's For Cleaning Ecosystem Ponds...

The key to keeping an all-natural water garden in check is general ecosystem maintenance. The five elements of your ecosystem pond all need to be balanced in order to insure that everything is working smoothly.

They are:

  • Mechanical and Biological Filters
  • Pumps and Plumbing
  • Rocks and Gravel
  • Aquatic Plants
  • Fish
  • Don't Overdo the Cleaning...

The elements above must ail be present in order for the system to really work. Once your pond is balanced, it's not hard to see why maintaining a well-balanced ecosystem is easier. With the exception of some water treatments and seasonal maintenance, all you really need to worry about is tossing a little beneficial bacteria into your pond and cleaning out your skimmer net once every week or two.

Premiere Aquascapes offers a full service pond maintenance program, including pond cleaning, pond shut-downs and openings. Our pond maintenance work includes:

  • Checking hardware
  • Cleaning debris basket and skimmer filter pad (if equipped)
  • Checking for shifted rocks
  • Checking pond liner edges
  • Touching up gravel around edges as needed
  • Trimming aquatic plants and dead head
  • Adding Aquaclearer
  • Removing string algae from stream if required
  • Replenishing fish food supply